miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014
I thought poverty was a big problem in Europe, but I was wrong, it's a real kaos, and I didn,t know it until I aaw these real statistics.http://nordicanger.blogspot.com/2012/06/la-nueva-blitzkrieg.html(I couldn't put any drink
Elder people
One of the groups in danger of social exclusion are elder people, due to the fact that nowadays people have longer and longer lives, and as we're sumerged in a big economic crysis, public sanity has not so much resources to take after them all, even if they are the ones who need more help.http://rosalopezj.wordpress.com/2011/10/08/algo-de-catania-y-sus-alrededores/abuela-pobre-catania-desenfoque/
Telecomunications discuss about topic of poverty all around the world, and it's important to watch and listen all these kind of information in order to keep in touch of what's happening in the world. So here there are some interesting links:http://www.lasexta.com/videos-online/noticias/economia/tercio-espanoles-riesgo-exclusion-pobreza_2013111200079.html
Realy disgusting...
Where do I see Europe in the Basque Country
http://www.google.es/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_53d6wcfUZg/UiCyFNIX4aI/AAAAAAAFx-k/H67UefQHgMs/s1600/honduraspobreza.jpg&imgrefurl=http://adictamente.blogspot.com/2013/08/la-pobreza-afecta-las-facultades.html&h=1131&w=1600&tbnid=6mWGnyTqxtuPyM:&zoom=1&docid=aZOmlTX7dr6NQM&hl=es&ei=mrpzU__bKeOc0QXKsoBo&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CEIQMygDMAMWhen I see a homeless asking for food, money or whatever it is, I think: even if Europe has a lot of money, and we spend three billion dolars or more in discovering the Higg's Bosson, why does Europe permit this¿ It is just unfair, if all that money was mine, Im sure I would spend it more sensity.
An NGO close to me
Gizalde is an NGO close to me, taking into account that I've receives a few lessons with some voluntaries of this organisation. This great identity consist on helping people to decide what do you have to do. What I mean is, if you are a homless and you don't know where to go, gizalde will tell you to go to a concrete NGO and they will help you to contact with them. I've decided that this summer I will go there and do some voluntary work, it will be great.http://www.google.es/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hezkide.org/photo/61t.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.hezkide.org/es/servicios/gizalde&h=94&w=300&tbnid=sCoYnAHGUgT6dM:&zoom=1&docid=UmvhpEB_silAmM&hl=es&ei=5LhzU8lUyp_RBevCgBg&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CDgQMygAMAA
working with NGOs
Two advices for EU
One of the things European Union shoud take into account is that there are more and more poor people nowadays, so instead of making so much cuts, they should start using their money and setting up organisations to help dem an give them accomodation, or just help NGOs ecoomically in order them to have more resources and to be ableto help more people who need t.
Apart from that, as it´s obvious that people like Barcenas and all the staff of PP who steal our money and use it as they want, it would be great if they get sacked and like that be governed by someone honest. Is it much that I´m asking?
Apart from that, as it´s obvious that people like Barcenas and all the staff of PP who steal our money and use it as they want, it would be great if they get sacked and like that be governed by someone honest. Is it much that I´m asking?
miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014
In EUNI we've thought about takin part in a contest in which a lot of schools take part. Each school has to join as much students as they can and do something that lets the audience know about the crisis and its effects. First of all we have to encourage people to join so we decided to take ideas in class in order to make a poster that will make pople join us. For the moment Cuesta and I have bumped into a very good idea that consist in a poster with two sides. In one side there's a lonley guy with some wine and more alcoholic drinks, and in the other side is the same photo with the same guy, but with people around, and I'm sure it will make pople think twice instead of making nothing.
miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014
These days we've been working on a nice presentation related with the poverty in Europe. Sounds great, doesn't it?presentation
lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014
Hey, we´re going to make our own webpage!
In EUNI we´re working of an Europea conflict, so that we explain it in a weebly. First of all, we hae done a mindmap to organize it well.
These dats Ekain and I have been working on an NGO called Etxerat. There it is:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4NsFqSllaB1Q3dBc016VkhRRms/edit( you have to download jt, Xabier¡)
Made in Europe¿i don't think so...
Lots of products that you buy may be made by french, italian or english companies;however, unfortunatelly, I have to tell you that they will probably made in China, Barngladesh or Thailand. There you are some examples:
NNintendo: this is a japaneese company, even if lots of its products are maid in China by children, and in very bad condition. Why does anybody do something¿ money,,
Mobile chargers
In Euni we've discussing how the EU afects us in our everyday life. We have talked about things like the union of some mobile phone companies to make a universal chargers, that Europeans win the right to full translation in a court everywhere, that the EU has restricted the use of hazardous substances in electronic prodicts, that the EU has made a law that ensures the sell of only legally cut wood, the crucial help of the EU in the disaster of Haiti and the new rules of the European Comission about the abuse to children. However, we decided to focus on a specific one: the chargers.
Hey, you know what? Do you know how do you feel when you are running out of battery, and noone's got a charger like your mobile phone's? You're lucky, then! EU has managed to persuade 13 of the leading mobile phone companies to make a universal charger, which will allow you to full you mobile of battery whith everyone's charger.http://www.amazon.es/b?ie=UTF8&node=934179031
Hey, you know what? Do you know how do you feel when you are running out of battery, and noone's got a charger like your mobile phone's? You're lucky, then! EU has managed to persuade 13 of the leading mobile phone companies to make a universal charger, which will allow you to full you mobile of battery whith everyone's charger.http://www.amazon.es/b?ie=UTF8&node=934179031
I'm afraid not only Europe but also all the world is in big trouble. The economic situation of lots of countries has got worse, with high percentages of unemployment and a very bad organized division of capital. Some people are wealthy, and the others are poore, if we make an extreme example... This is called crysis, and has affected to all countries over the world. This also causes poverty, not to mention vandalism and other type of crimes.https://www.google.es/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=crisis&source=images&cd=&docid=NVlfoKFM0p8YKM&tbnid=dgI4ddXzg68ZKM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Felfarodelacolina.blogspot.com%2Fp%2Fdiccionario-de-la-crisis.html&ei=nqkLU_yaCe6y0AWE5IHYCw&psig=AFQjCNE6jOKATfrjB28QlesKL2wWWCWZAA&ust=1393359635391644
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