miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014
I thought poverty was a big problem in Europe, but I was wrong, it's a real kaos, and I didn,t know it until I aaw these real statistics.http://nordicanger.blogspot.com/2012/06/la-nueva-blitzkrieg.html(I couldn't put any drink
Elder people
One of the groups in danger of social exclusion are elder people, due to the fact that nowadays people have longer and longer lives, and as we're sumerged in a big economic crysis, public sanity has not so much resources to take after them all, even if they are the ones who need more help.http://rosalopezj.wordpress.com/2011/10/08/algo-de-catania-y-sus-alrededores/abuela-pobre-catania-desenfoque/
Telecomunications discuss about topic of poverty all around the world, and it's important to watch and listen all these kind of information in order to keep in touch of what's happening in the world. So here there are some interesting links:http://www.lasexta.com/videos-online/noticias/economia/tercio-espanoles-riesgo-exclusion-pobreza_2013111200079.html
Realy disgusting...
Where do I see Europe in the Basque Country
http://www.google.es/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_53d6wcfUZg/UiCyFNIX4aI/AAAAAAAFx-k/H67UefQHgMs/s1600/honduraspobreza.jpg&imgrefurl=http://adictamente.blogspot.com/2013/08/la-pobreza-afecta-las-facultades.html&h=1131&w=1600&tbnid=6mWGnyTqxtuPyM:&zoom=1&docid=aZOmlTX7dr6NQM&hl=es&ei=mrpzU__bKeOc0QXKsoBo&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CEIQMygDMAMWhen I see a homeless asking for food, money or whatever it is, I think: even if Europe has a lot of money, and we spend three billion dolars or more in discovering the Higg's Bosson, why does Europe permit this¿ It is just unfair, if all that money was mine, Im sure I would spend it more sensity.
An NGO close to me
Gizalde is an NGO close to me, taking into account that I've receives a few lessons with some voluntaries of this organisation. This great identity consist on helping people to decide what do you have to do. What I mean is, if you are a homless and you don't know where to go, gizalde will tell you to go to a concrete NGO and they will help you to contact with them. I've decided that this summer I will go there and do some voluntary work, it will be great.http://www.google.es/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hezkide.org/photo/61t.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.hezkide.org/es/servicios/gizalde&h=94&w=300&tbnid=sCoYnAHGUgT6dM:&zoom=1&docid=UmvhpEB_silAmM&hl=es&ei=5LhzU8lUyp_RBevCgBg&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CDgQMygAMAA
working with NGOs
Two advices for EU
One of the things European Union shoud take into account is that there are more and more poor people nowadays, so instead of making so much cuts, they should start using their money and setting up organisations to help dem an give them accomodation, or just help NGOs ecoomically in order them to have more resources and to be ableto help more people who need t.
Apart from that, as it´s obvious that people like Barcenas and all the staff of PP who steal our money and use it as they want, it would be great if they get sacked and like that be governed by someone honest. Is it much that I´m asking?
Apart from that, as it´s obvious that people like Barcenas and all the staff of PP who steal our money and use it as they want, it would be great if they get sacked and like that be governed by someone honest. Is it much that I´m asking?
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