miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Where do I see Europe in the Basque Country

http://www.google.es/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_53d6wcfUZg/UiCyFNIX4aI/AAAAAAAFx-k/H67UefQHgMs/s1600/honduraspobreza.jpg&imgrefurl=http://adictamente.blogspot.com/2013/08/la-pobreza-afecta-las-facultades.html&h=1131&w=1600&tbnid=6mWGnyTqxtuPyM:&zoom=1&docid=aZOmlTX7dr6NQM&hl=es&ei=mrpzU__bKeOc0QXKsoBo&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CEIQMygDMAMWhen I see a homeless asking for food, money or whatever it is,  I think: even if Europe has a lot of money, and we spend three billion dolars or more in discovering the Higg's Bosson, why does Europe permit this¿ It is just unfair, if all that money was mine, Im sure I would spend it more sensity.

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